Directors & Producers / MARTIN SCHMIDT

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Meet Martin Schmidt: His education, his career, his credits and his current activities. Martin Schmidt specializes in 3D computer animation. He has been working on commercial productions as director, animator and 3D specialist. Furthermore his independent short films are receiving festival awards around the world.

2D/3D Animation ♦ Filmmaker ♦ VFX

Martin Schmidt specializes in 3D computer animation. He has been working on commercial productions as director, animator and 3D specialist. Furthermore his independent short films are receiving festival awards around the world.


Selected Short Films

2005 Sucking Loop
2006 Noise
2007 George grows
2009 The last Garden Feast (work in progress)

Selected Commercial Work

2006 ZDF Robocup: Animation for TV-Show Trailer
2007 The Bunjies: Modeling, Animation for Series Pilot
2007 Rundgang 07: Exhibition Trailer, Uni of Art Kassel
2008 Mirrorland, Animation for a Feature Film Trailer

„George grows“ Awards

  1. 2. Place Student Animation, GoEast, Wiesbaden 07
  2. Best Film Age 21-25, Youth Media Festival Berlin 07
  3. Producers Jury Award Age 21-25,Youth MF Berlin 07
  4. Best int. short 1 to 4 min, Casertanimata, Italy 07
  5. Best int. artistic video, CGI Conference Brazil 07
  6. Runner-up in the New-Category, Stamford UK 07
  7. Winner of the day, Shorts at moonlight, Frankfurt 07
  8. Time Code Award, No Words, Bolzano Film Festival 07
  9. Short Film of the month Dec, FBW, Wiesbaden 07
  10. Animation Special Mention, Tirana Int. Film Fest 07
  11. Medal, FilmVideo Montecatini, Italy 08
  12. Special Jury Award, Seoul Youth Film Festival 08



Laconically and in an amusing, entertaining way, this film shows birth, maturity and death close together. The simplicity of its means and the concentrated form entertains in an impressive way. We wish to see more of the filmmakers work in the future.
Youth Media Festival Berlin 2007

A whole life in two minutes – reduced to the essence – without trappings, no words, just the sound of the human stride can be heard: slowly crawling, cautious and clumsy, lively and fleet-footed, brisk and powerful then again slow and cumbersome. A beautiful cycle wonderfully created as a 3D-Animation with perfect timing.
Board of Film classification Wiesbaden

The circle of life is a popular theme with animated shorts. Martin Schmidt’s CG student film popped up online last year and walked out from the crowd of toons with the same theme. For all intents and purposes, it’s a walk cycle against a white backdrop. However, Schmidt makes the stride of the character stand for much more. As a baby crawls along, he begins to walk, and over the course of the story subtly morphs into an old man. The timing is crucial. The filmmaker allows the jokes to set themselves up slowly when needed, but then pops in a quick gag that is unexpected. None of the gags are arbitrary; they always connect nicely back to the toon’s universal theme of aging. Web Toons you need to see in 2008


Martin Schmidt –  3D Animator and filmmaker

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